Bilgi Merkezi şu anda seçtiğiniz dilde kullanılamıyor. İngilizce olarak keşfetmeye devam edin veya mevcut başka bir dile geçin.

Cutting the cost of running a motor

Motors are a vital piece of equipment in manufacturing, but whether they are efficient is another matter.

Traditionally, motors tend to run on a single-speed system where they are either running at full power or not at all. This can lead to the motor using more power than is needed for a given application. And of course, wasted power is wasted money.

Another source of wasted energy for motors comes from starting them up. Fixed speed motors accelerate extremely quickly to reach their operational speed, producing a lot of wasted heat energy as a result. To prevent too much wear to the motors from the high speed start up, it is common to limit the amount of times a motor starts up per hour.

Ways to improve

One way to improve the efficiency of motors is to fit them with variable speed drives (VSDs). VSDs convert the fixed incoming power into a variable voltage to manage the speed of the motor according to the needs of the device being powered.

Another improvement that can be made is the implementation of a soft starter into the system. Soft starters can allow an increased start-up by limiting the current to the motor during start-up to reduce the mechanical wear caused.

Finally, consider the area of space surrounding motors. By keeping motors away from areas likely to have high temperatures, you can reduce the likelihood of overheating issues.

By implementing these small changes, huge savings can be made in terms of both energy consumption and money spent on the running and maintenance of motors in manufacturing facilities.
